Why do I need a Fractional Sales VP?

Let us be your part-time sales manager, while achieving full-time results.

Many companies don’t have the time to manage their sales teams, and they can’t afford a full-time hire. That’s where we come in. Serving as your part-time sales manager or part-time VP of Sales, we can manage reps, increase the pipeline, improve processes, and set your team up for continued success.

You don’t have the time.

We get it; You’re being pulled in a million different directions. We can help give you back the time you spend managing reps to spend on other things.

A full-time sales manager is too expensive.

Hiring a full-time employee can be expensive.  With benefit costs and payroll taxes, employees often cost thousands beyond their wages. Using a Fractional Sales VP instead will help cut those costs.

You have under-perfoming reps.

Without proper management, sales reps can quickly fall behind. We keep your reps on track to quota with feedback and regular check-ins.

The pipeline is stagnant.

A mismanaged and below-expectation pipeline can cause a reduction in revenue for months and years down the line. We constantly audit your pipeline to ensure that reps are forecasting adequate revenue, and that the pipeline can support ongoing business operations.

You have high turnover.

Employee turnover is expensive.  Onboarding costs are often unaudited, and can approach multiple thousands of dollars per employee.  We help control these costs, and ensure you find and keep top-performers.

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